Nginx Proxy Manager Redirect to Nested Page

I wanted to create an 'under construction' homepage for my personal site. I'm already running a site service with Nginx Static Site serves public assets (pictures, videos). I will refer to this as my Static Asset Site

Instead of spinning up a separate nginx server just to write a single html file for my 'under construction' message, I'm able to leverage Nginx Proxy Manager to point to a nested directory


Here my site is already setup with a proxy host I've created a temporary homepage nested in

I want to take my current personal site and point it to that tmp-homepage/index.html

Nginx Config

Edit the proxy host for and go to the

Advanced Tab

location = / {
    return 301 $forward_scheme://$host/pages/tmp-homepage;


I could also see this being useful for site wide redirects to reroute old and stale links. Let's say you setup your e-commerce shop to point to /products but later you change all your purchasable items to page /shop. You can do that with this method. Here is that example

location = /products {
    return 301 $forward_scheme://$host/shop;
